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Heal & Nurture The Feminine Energy (Two Book Bundle)

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“This book is life-changing” - has been the response of those women worldwide. “Healing the Feminine Energy” and "Nurturing Your Feminine Energy" are spiritual guides, written with love and empathy for those who want to nurture their feminine energy. It’s the perfect catalyst for those looking to ignite or go deeper into their healing journey.

"Healing the Feminine Energy" [84 pages] will teach you:

  • The traits of healthy femininity
  • Practical exercises to get you in touch with femininity
  • The blocks and wounds that suppress feminine energy
  • Releasing the effects of trauma, heartbreak and abuse
  • How to embrace a state of peace
  • The empowered state that attracts healthy men
  • The importance of self-care
  • How femininity influences the people in your life 
  • How feminine energy is able to manipulate environments
  • The pride of being a woman

"Nurturing your Feminine Energy" [102 pages] will teach you:

  • Embodying the qualities of the empowered feminine
  • The importance of nurturing yourself and others
  • Embracing beauty
  • Expressing creativity
  • Cultivating healthy sisterhood connections
  • Connecting to Mother Earth and the power of nature
  • Trusting your intuition and listening to your inner voice
  • The specific things that you can do to make you feel feminine

By learning how to embrace the deepest parts of yourself, you gain an increase in confidence, self-love and a clear understanding of the beauty of feminine energy. 

We currently live in a society that discourages the expression of divine feminine energy, keeping millions of women from embracing their natural state.

Their natural connection to womanhood is shamed, trapping them in a state of unhappiness, lack of fulfilment and continuously attracting the wrong type of men. These practical guides contains ancient wisdom, yet with a great understanding of the modern society that we live in. And as you learn the powerful information that has been kept secret from you, experience a deep connection to your authentic self. 

This is for the person who is excited about growing into an empowered, healthy woman. It is also for men who want to better appreciate the power of feminine energy (that is within them too and in their partners).

Learn to reconnect to the power that lies within and receive the practical exercises that will help you to protect and nurture this great energy.


Language: English

Version: Paperback

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    Unfortunately, many people have been wrongly convinced that femininity is a weakness and that masculinity is toxic. This is a lie.


    Many of us have been disconnected from our nature, the source of our primal power. The result is a lack of personal fulfilment and chaos in relationships.


    Much joy, peace and control over your life is gained when you balance your spiritual energies. Gain inner confidence, attract healthy partners and begin to build a fulfilling life.