In a previous article, we outlined the differences between the properties of the masculine and feminine energy (click to read). The energies will uphold the same properties when they are expressed in different forms. This means that even in different areas, the energies create similarities that are easily observed.
In this article, we are going to reveal how those qualities express themselves in reality. In each following point, I will highlight the properties of the energies, and the parallels I have discovered in the different arenas they are expressed in:
Disclaimer: This article is due to get updated each time I discover new points

Masculine extends, the feminine contracts
- The penis of a man is visible outside of the body and extends when hard, the vagina of a woman is hidden and it is a hole that acts as a receiver.
- When the man ejaculates, he shoots out. When a woman orgasms, her cervix contracts to suck in the sperm
- Sperm pushes itself into the egg to combine chromosomes, the egg allows itself to be entered
- In dating, like the sperm, the man goes out. He is the one that approaches and starts conversation. Generally, the woman receives the communication of the man and either accepts or rejects him.
- Leadership traits such as confidence, and other qualities which represent expanding behaviours are seen as desirable in a man. A man expands out into the world. Shyness and other qualities which represent contracting behaviours (such as playing hard to get) are traits which are seen as desirable in a woman, and this side comes out when a woman is interacting with a man that has masculine energy, even if she’s an ‘alpha female’.
Masculine is hard, feminine is soft
- When a woman likes a man, her soft, shy, anxious side comes out. She will often play the soft princess role.
- The penis erected is hard. The vagina is soft.
- Masculine takes pride in being hard-minded, which is why people say men bottle up emotions. Women are very sensitive emotionally and are okay expressing it.
Masculine is compartmentalised and stable, feminine has more flow and is volatile
- The left and right sides of men’s brains are heavily compartmentalised. The part of the brain that connects the left and right side is bigger in women, allowing them to flow between the left and right side easier.
- It is considered manly to take pride in being willing to die for your beliefs. The man is stable under pressure. A woman is likely to change her belief or a previously-made statement, if it benefits.
- Women change their minds often, especially as their emotions go up and down. Men can be stubborn with what they have committed to.
- Women are more emotionally sensitive. Men are more logical.
- The emotions of a woman are more volatile than a man. When men express emotional volatility, they are likely to turn off the woman.
- Women are more sensitive (physically and mentally compared to men): They are more likely to scream when scared or shocked. They moan when being pleasured. The ‘PH balance’ of a woman’s vagina is heavily affected by her partners. Women’s skin are more prone to acne/flaring up. On almost every level conceivable, women seem to be more sensitive than men.
- Women often post memes on social media indicating their mood swings. For example, memes that indicate that she could be in a bad mood, but if she is fed, then she will suddenly become happy.
- Women in relationships complain that men do not allow them to express their emotional volatility for the sake of expression (they do not want solutions as that would put an end to the emotional expression). Men offer solutions as they attach to logic.
- The periodic cycle of a woman and hormonal volatility through the month creates mood-swings. Men do not have such changes hormonally.
- Homosexuality: Women flow in and out of homosexuality/bisexuality and heterosexual behaviours at a higher rate. Women are more likely to be bisexual than men, as who are more likely to be either just gay or straight, as opposed to going back and forth.
Masculine energy takes territory, feminine energy maintains territory (or dissolves territory when not submitted)
- In war, men go out and fight to take territories. Men kill rival males and take the women in, instead of killing them. Women have never seeked to go and conquer new lands.
- Women are more exogamous than men. They are more likely to marry outside of the tribe and enter into a new tradition of life.
- Women generally move into the home of a man, as he is supposed to provide the hub for the women to enter or leave. When a man moves into the home of a woman, he is likely to lose the respect of the woman and experience a loss of power in the relationship that turns the woman off.
- Men speak about how their woman will enter their room or even their car, and then make it nicer. This could be by improving the design, adding new scents and so forth.
- The woman looks after the home or works within the territory of the man. This is evident in nature. For example, the male lion or stallion owns a piece of territory and defends it. If he loses it to another male, the females will flock to the winner.
Masculine seeks domination and to possess, the feminine seeks surrender and to be possessed
- Men seek to take care of women. Women want to be taken care of.
- While having a ‘sugar daddy’ is a thing, a ‘sugar mama’ is far less common. Women can also be gold-diggers, while men are the ones willing to give the gold.
- Polygamous relationships of men having multiple wives, as opposed to women having multiple husbands, are more common. One of the reasons why is because women go to men who have the value and resources to take care of the women’s needs, and no woman wants to take care of the needs of a man, and certainly not multiple men.
- The term “trophy wife” implies ownership, whereas women do not regard men to be “trophy husbands”.
- Men like submissive women who generally know how to follow his lead without giving him chaos. Women like a man who knows how to lead and dominate her properly, without overt aggression.
- This manifests in sex: Women prefer to be dominated sexually, men like to dominate. Women like to be on the receiving end of rough sex (spanking, choking, being pinned down etc.)
- Women like to refer to desirable partners as some form of authority (such as calling him ‘daddy’ and him calling her a “good/bad girl”), whilst the opposite is a turn off for both sexes.
- The famous question in sex that stimulates both partners is: “whose pussy is this?”, as to which the woman replies and says it’s his. The reverse scenario is much less talked about, if ever.
Masculine creates and acquires, the feminine nurtures and amplifies
- A man gives a woman his sperm, a single cell. She nurtures/multiplies the single cell into a being of trillions of cells.
- A man constructs a building, a woman designs the inside of it. One study found that 87% of interior designers are female. Another has reported that 99% of construction workers (exterior design) are male.
- Traditionally, a man goes out to hunt or work to bring back the food, and the woman takes the raw food and transforms it into a meal.
- Women like to nurture their man and/or children. For example, when a woman perceives a man to be of high value, her nurturing side comes out in the form of massaging, grooming him or feeding him.
Masculine is proactive, feminine is reactive
- Men prefer to lead and women like men who lead them. They naturally follow their man’s lead.
- Women often say the phrase “I go off the vibe you give me”, signalling that she reacts to the context which the man creates.
- A woman likes a man that makes a plan and tells her the time and place, rather than him asking “I don’t mind. We can do whatever you want to do.”
- The same phenomenon is found in the famous situation of a woman not being able to decide where she wants to eat. She prefers her man simply decide what they are going to have.
- A woman usually likes to sit in the passenger seat when she and her man are travelling.
- Men usually seek to take responsibility. There is a widely known joke that women don’t like to take accountability for their actions
- Women are quick to play the victim if it gets sympathy. Men are quick to criticise themselves for their actions.
- When a woman cheats, she is likely to blame the other person or conditions she is put in.
Masculine is structure, feminine is malleable
- A woman asks ‘what are we?’ or ‘where are we going?’. A man tells the woman what they are. The woman never tells the man where they are going, she hears it from him and then either accepts it or resists it.
- When a woman asks “what are we?”, she is asking for the structure of the relationship so she knows how to adapt to it.
- Male gangs operate on certain codes that must never be broken. For example, gang-members must never snitch, or they risk death.
Masculine is direct and truthful, feminine is indirect and deceiving
- Masculine men speak in direct truths and specific logical details. Women prefer to communicate in a more indirect manner. They speak in generalities.
- It is difficult for men to win arguments with women because women will simply change their viewpoint to avoid defeat.
- This ability of women to be mysterious or deceive expands to orgasms. When a man ejaculates, it is apparent and clear. A woman can easily, and readily, fake orgasms. They can also hide the paternal identity of their offspring.

It is important to understand that when we use the term ‘masculine’ or ‘feminine’, we are not talking specifically about men and women. We are referring to the energies. And neither is good or bad.
However, the biology of men and women has a natural preference to express the energy that is relevant to them. So this is why men are quicker to express masculine energy, and it is more natural for a woman to express feminine energy.
However, either sex may express the opposite energy. For example, many men are feminine. And there are many women who are masculine. But these are exceptions or manipulations to the rule, and by observing the general instances of men and women, we are able to see the differences between the properties of the energies in practice.